Top 10 Diet Tips to Lose Weight

Liifestyle Hub
6 min readMay 5, 2021
Top 10 Diet Tips to Lose Weight

We get a lot of emails from our readers wanting to know the top 10 diet tips that you can add to your daily lives to help them lose weight. Most have discussed their displeasure with a miracle, lose weight fast or fad diets, and are looking for real solutions to help with long-term weight loss. Here are what we believe to be the Top 10 Diet Tips to help you achieve your Weight goals and more importantly maintain the weight loss achieved.

- Regular Sleep Patterns of up to 10 hours per Night

It has been found in numerous studies that sleep deprivation increases the hormones in the body that craves food while decreasing other hormones that help to tell you when you are full. Researchers have found that people who sleep 2–4 hours are 73% more likely to be obese than people who get 7–9 hours of sleep. Therefore getting up to around 10 hours a night sleep will normalize your hormonal levels and aid your body’s digestion. Try to reduce your caffeine intake

ie: drinking coffee, drinking coke, etc after lunch. So the main thing to take from here is “sleep more to lose weight”.

- Eat a Healthy Full Breakfast every Morning

Eating a healthy breakfast every morning provides your body with the fuel it requires to meet life’s daily challenges. People who skip breakfast are more lethargic and display symptoms of low concentration, and problem-solving. However, the main benefit from a weight loss perspective is that it boosts the body’s metabolism for the body to burn those excess calories. If you have a full breakfast is it more likely that you won’t be as hungry at lunch and overeat during this meal. Overall a breakfast should be made up of complex carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

- Eat Regular Meals

Eating at regular intervals during the day helps the body to be able to generate enough energy to fuel the body. It is recommended to eat a minimum of 3 meals and up to 5 meals per day depending on the size of the portion and the amount of exercise that the body is required to complete. The portion size should and will be different for an athlete than for a clerical officer due to the amount of daily exercise that is completed. A general rule for portion size is to eat like a king in the morning, like a prince at lunch, and as a pauper during the evening. That way when you sleep you won’t have excess carbohydrates left whilst sleeping to turn into fat deposits.

- Eat more Natural and Less Processed Foods

Most foods that you find at your grocery store are filled with preservatives that enable the food to last longer. These added preservatives harm the nutrients and minerals that are naturally found in these foods. Therefore eating foods with higher levels of preservatives is not helping your weight loss. If it is possible always purchase fresh foods avoiding convenient pre-packaged foods. These foods contain higher volumes of calories, salts, or sodium, and fats which are stored in the body and not readily used for fueling your energy requirements.

- Eat slow

When you are in a restaurant, the eaters take a look at the skinny people. What you will notice is that they take longer to eat their food. Eating slowly is a good way to lose weight because it takes time for your brain to record that you are full. 20 minutes is the approximate time limit. If you eat your food quickly it is more likely that you will eat and consume many more calories than you anticipated. So to lose weight and enjoy your meal to lose weight.

- Hydrate your Body Regularly

Water, on average, makes up 60 percent of your body weight. Every component of your body depends on water to function properly. For example, water flushes out toxins from vital organs, delivers nutrients to your cells, and provides a moist environment for the ear, nose, and throat tissues.

A decrease in water consumption will lead to dehydration, a condition when your body does not have enough water to carry out normal functions. Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you tired. It is advised that you should consume 3.3 liters of liquid a day for men and 2.2 liters for women.

The next time you sit down for a meal, take a glass or 2 of cold water with your meal. There are no calories in water and it makes you feel fuller. This will prevent you from eating and control the ratio of food.

- Exercise Regularly

If you are serious about losing weight, then regular exercise is important. Dieting alone will give you small results to lose weight. The previous blog Top 10 Exercise Facts details your exercise requirements to help you lose weight. The good thing is that 30 minutes of exercise a day will be enough to get your body up and shed those extra pounds built up during the winter period. Find an exercise in which you like to hang out with a friend, play local or join your local gym. In this way, you are more than likely to continue it over a period of time.

The main fact is that if you are serious about losing weight then you need to get serious to do regular exercise. You will feel better immediately and your body will thank you for it.

- Use non-food options when life’s stresses hit

Numerous studies have been done to determine the phenomenon due to which people are moving from a healthy lifestyle to eating. In the majority of cases, it was found that a major stressful event occurred such as loss of a family member, marriage breakdown, money problem, or loss of employment. People get comfort in large amounts of food and help them through relying on it. Try something new to deal with comfort eating such as going for a run, listening to your favorite music, or doing something else that you like. Your problems, like alcohol, do not go away by eating a bucket of chicken or eating ice cream, your body will thank you for not generating those large amounts of calories.

- Keep a diary

Keeping a diary of your daily food intake and exercise can help you lose weight. Filling in what you have eaten and the quantity, how you felt before eating, and your mood during eating tells you how you are tracking. Did you eat more when stressed? Have you bought a healthy salad instead of a hamburger when feeling good about yourself? Study your patterns and start taking control of your weight. A high percentage of people who accomplish this have become aware of their personal food triggers and can initiate and modify their habits to a healthier choice that enables them to achieve their goals.

- Understand Yourself

Remember that you are going to be on a roller coaster of emotions with changing your dietary habits. When you set and meet a goal treat yourself to a night out or a meal or drink that you enjoyed earlier. This way you will be less likely to stick with your new diet and less likely to revert to your previous unhealthy habits.

For these top 10 diet tips to be successful it’s all about being able to eat and modify over time
Exercise Habits. Rome was not built in a day nor will you lose weight. About keeping it out for a long time to bring about a healthy change in your habits. The main changes you will see are weight loss, a more attractive body, more energy, and more enthusiasm for life. If these are your goals, today is the time to be more health-conscious. If you have any other top dieting tips or stories you want to share, we want to hear from you.



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